Friday, June 05, 2009

error when bundling OpenSolaris - based AMI on Amazon EC2

I needed a server in the cloud for a project, with Glassfish and MySQL installed. Having found a pre-built AMI (Amazon Machine Image) based on OpenSolaris it seemed to be fit for my purpose.

After kicking its tires I decided to place my customizations and re-bundle an image that would have them on upon reboot.

So I followed along the instruction from the Getting Started guide ( Well, no good. The bundling failed with the following error reported by ec2-bundle-vol:

Cloning / into image file /mnt/ptmpimage...
Creating flash archive of file system...
Time: 0.086058s
Time: 0.023259s
Time: 0.229003s
Time: 0.023268s
Time: 0.113336s
Time: 0.023153s
Time: 0.036836s
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
devfsadm: disk_link: invalid disk device number (2051)
Time: 0.400378s
ERROR: Failed to evaluate 'flar create -n ec2.archive -S -R / -x /export/home/gf21 -x /export/home/mysql -x /rpool/boot -x /rpool/etc -x /export/home -x /bin -x /boot -x /dev -x /devices -x /etc -x /export -x /home -x /kernel -x /lib -x /lost+found -x /media -x /mnt -x /net -x /opt -x /platform -x /proc -x /.profile -x /root -x /rpool -x /sbin -x /sysbench -x /system -x /tmp -x /usr -x /var -x /mnt/cert-SGB3LC7W3STUADHK6YLJGLH45V6NGQQU.pem -x /mnt/ec2-bundle-workspace -x /mnt/pk-SGB3LC7W3STUADHK6YLJGLH45V6NGQQU.pem -x /mnt/cert-SGB3LC7W3STUADHK6YLJGLH45V6NGQQU.pem -x /mnt/ec2-bundle-workspace -x /mnt/pk-SGB3LC7W3STUADHK6YLJGLH45V6NGQQU.pem -x /mnt/ptmpimage -x /mnt/ec2-bundle-workspace /mnt/ec2-bundle-workspace/archive 2> /dev/null'. Reason: .

It turns out that Solaris AMIs have a different bundling procedure, so the instructions provided by Amazon in their guide don't apply (I think they're for Fedora (or other RedHat derrivatives) images).

For instructions specific to Solaris see

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, YMMD!